På denne side kan du finde de publikationer, hvor Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning har bidraget til studiet.
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Comparing restrictive versus liberal oxygen strategies for trauma patients: The TRAUMOX2 trial-Statistical analysis plan. Arleth T, Baekgaard J, Siersma V, Klimek M, Hinkelbein J, Rasmussen LS, Steinmetz J; TRAUMOX2 Study Group. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2023;67(6):829-838
- Intra-operative blood transfusion in elderly patients on antithrombotic therapy. Hjelmdal C, Draegert C, Vester-Andersen M, Kowark A, Coburn M, Rasmussen LS, Lundstrøm LH, Steinmetz J; POSE-Study Group. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2023;67(4):412-421
- Association of Trauma With Long-Term Risk of Death and Immune-Mediated or Cancer Disease in Same-Sex Twins. Eskesen TO, Sillesen M, Pedersen JK, Pedersen DA, Christensen K, Rasmussen LS, Steinmetz J. JAMA Surg. 2023;158(7):738-745
- Communication in Sudden-Onset Major Incidents: Patterns and Challenges-Scoping Review. Hansen PM, Mikkelsen S, Rehn M. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2023;17:e482
- Danish Drowning Formula for identification of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest from drowning. Breindahl N, Wolthers SA, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, Blomberg SNF, Steinmetz J, Christensen HC; Danish Cardiac Arrest Group. Am J Emerg Med. 2023;73:55-62
- The Field's mass shooting: emergency medical services response. Hansen PM, Mikkelsen S, Alstrøm H, Damm-Hejmdal A, Rehn M, Berlac PA. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2023;31(1):71
- The association between frailty and ageing: Results from an observational study including 9497 elderly patients. Jensen LT, Lundstrøm L, Kowark A, Coburn M, Steinmetz J; POSE-Study Group. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2023. Online ahead of print
- Association of intraosseous and intravenous access with patient outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Nilsson FN, Bie-Bogh S, Milling L, Hansen PM, Pedersen H, Christensen EF, Knudsen JS, Christensen HC, Folke F, Høen-Beck D, Væggemose U, Brøchner AC, Mikkelsen S. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):20796
- Prehospital tracheal intubations by anaesthetist-staffed critical care teams: a prospective observational multicentre study. Broms J, Linhardt C, Fevang E, Helliksson F, Skallsjö G, Haugland H, Knudsen JS, Bekkevold M, Tvede MF, Brandenstein P, Hansen TM, Krüger A, Rognås L, Lossius HM, Gellerfors M. Br J Anaesth. 2023;131(6):1102-1111
- Prehospital interventions and outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest: a population-based cohort study using the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services data. Wolthers SA, Breindahl N, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, Møller TP, Blomberg SNF, Andersen LB, Mikkelsen S, Steinmetz J, Christensen HC. Eur J Emerg Med. 2023. Online ahead of print
Publikationer, der har modtaget støtte, anvendt data, eller hvor Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning på anden måde har bidraget
- Ethical considerations in the prehospital treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a multi-centre, qualitative study. Milling L, Nielsen DS, Kjær J, Binderup LG, de Muckadell CS, Christensen HC, Christensen EF, Lassen AT, Mikkelsen S. PLoS One. 2023 Jul 26;18(7)
- Prehospital vital sign monitoring in paediatric patients: an interregional study of educational interventions. Nielsen VML, Søvsø MB, Kløjgård TA, Skals RG, Corfield AR, Bender L, Lussius HM, Mikkelsen S, Christensen EF. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2023;31(1):4
- Diagnostic performance of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Prehospital Stroke Scale for identification of stroke and stroke subtypes in an unselected patient cohort with symptom onset < 4.5 h. Jæger HS, Tranberg D, Larsen K, Valentin JB, Blauenfeldt RA, Luger S, Bache KG, Gude MF. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2023:31(1)
- Association of intraosseous and intravenous access with patient outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Nilsson FN, Bie-Bogh S, Milling L, Hansen PM, Pedersen H, Christensen EF, Knudsen JS, Christensen HC, Folke F, Høen-Beck D, Væggemose U, Brøchner AC, Mikkelsen S. Sci Rep. 2023:13(1):20796
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Use of Helicopters to Reduce Health Care System Delay in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Admitted to an Invasive Center. Mørk SR, Bøtker MT, Hjort J, Jensen LO, Pedersen F, Jørgensen G, Christensen EF, Christensen MK, Aarø J, Lippert F, Knudsen L, Hansen TM, Steinmetz J, Terkelsen CJ. Am J Cardiol 2022;171:7-14
- Supplemental oxygen for traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. Hansen TE, Christensen RE, Baekgaard J, Steinmetz J, Rasmussen LS. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2022;66(3)307-316
- Opioids for Treatment of Pre-hospital Acute Pain: A Systematic Review. Friesgaard KD, Vist GE, Hyldmo PK, Raatiniemi L, Kurola J, Larsen R, Kongstad P, Magnusson V, Sandberg M, Rehn M, Rognås L. Pain Ther 2022;11(1):17-36
- Prehospital triage of trauma patients before and after implementation of a regional triage guideline. Hansen J, Rasmussen LS, Steinmetz J. Injury 2022;53(1):54-60.
- Nationwide study found higher paediatric readiness in emergency departments and trauma centres with a paediatrician on-site. Jensen LT, Andersen LH, Steinmetz J. Acta Paediatr 2022;111(1):171-173
- Secondary Transfers to University Hospitals in Patients Primarily Triaged to District General Hospitals by the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A National Population-Based Study. Adam SB, Alstrup K, Rognås L. Air Medical Journal 2022;41(1):57-62
- Agreement between standard and ICD-10-based Injury Severity Scores. Eskesen TO, Sillesen M, Rasmussen LS, Steinmetz J. Clin Epidemiol 2022;14:201-210
- Shock index as a predictor for mortality in trauma patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vang M, Østberg M, Steinmetz J, Rasmussen LS. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2022; 48(4):2559-2566
- Socioeconomic Disparities in Prehospital Emergency Care in a Danish Tax-Financed Healthcare System: Nationwide Cohort Study. Frydenlund J, Mackenhauer J, Christensen EF, Christensen HC, Væggemose U, Steinmetz J, Johnsen SP. Clin Epidemiol 2022;14:555-565
- Implementation of the S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B Biomarker in a Clinical Setting: A Retrospective Study of Benefits, Safety, and Effectiveness. Steinmüller JB, Lynnerup NM, Steinmetz J, Riis JJ, Doering P. Neurotrauma Rep 2022;3(1):447-455
- Comparing Restrictive vs. Liberal Oxygen Strategies for Trauma Patients - The TRAUMOX2 Trial: Protocol for a Randomised Clinical Trial. Baekgaard J, Arleth T, Siersma V, Hinkelbein J, Yücetepe S, Klimek M, van Vledder MG, Van Lieshout EMM, Mikkelsen S, Zwisler ST, Andersen M, Fenger-Eriksen C, Isbye DL, Rasmussen LS, Steinmetz J. BMJ Open 2022; 12:e064047
Publikationer, der har modtaget støtte, anvendt data, eller hvor Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning på anden måde har bidraget
- Pediatric Emergencies in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: A National Population-Based Cohort Study From Denmark. Nielsen VML, Bruun NH, Søvsø MB, Lossius HM, Bender L, Mikkelsen S, Tarpgaard M, Petersen JAK, Christensen EF. Ann Emerg Med 2022;80(2):143-153
- Temporal Changes in Serum S100B Levels From Prehospital to Early In-Hospital Sampling in Patients Suffering Traumatic Brain Injury. Seidenfaden SC, Kjerulff JL, Juul N, Kirkegaard H, Møller MF, Münster AMB, Bøtker MT. Front Neurol 2022;13:800015
- Non-medical factors in prehospital resuscitation decision-making: a mixed-methods systematic review. Milling L, Kjær J, Binderup LG, de Muckadell CS, Havshøj U, Christensen HC, Christensen EF, Lassen AT, Mikkelsen S, Nielsen D. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2022;30(1):24
- An increased potential for organ donors may be found among patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Rasmussen MA, Moen HS, Milling L, Munthe S, Rosenlund C, Poulsen FR, Brøchner AC, Mikkelsen S. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2022;30(1):50
- Ethical challenges experienced by prehospital emergency personnel: a practice-based model of analysis. Bruun H, Milling L, Mikkelsen S, Huniche L. BMC Med Ethics 2022;23
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Helicopter emergency medical services missions to islands and the mainland during a 3-year period in Denmark: a population-based study on patient and sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidity, and use of healthcare services. Møller TP, Ersbøll AK, Kjærulff TM, Bihrmann K, Alstrup K, Knudsen L, Hansen TM, Berlac PA, Lippert F, Barfod C. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):152
- The Great Belt train accident: the emergency medical services response. Hansen PM, Jepsen SB, Mikkelsen S, Rehn M. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):140.
- Ketamine versus propofol for rapid sequence induction in trauma patients: a retrospective study. Breindahl N, Baekgaard J, Christensen RE, Jensen AH, Creutzburg A, Steinmetz J, Rasmussen LS. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):136.
- Trauma Versus Nontrauma Patients Treated by the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A Register-Based Study of Patient Characteristics, Hospitalization, and Mortality. Sørensen LM, Rognås L, Alstrup K. Air Med J 2021;40(5):325-330.
- Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) practices in the helicopter emergency medical services in Europe: results of an online survey. Hilbert-Carius P, Struck MF, Rudolph M, Knapp J, Rognås L, Adler J, Slagt C, Jacobsen L, Pich H, Christian MD, Dandrifosse D, Abu-Zidan FM; POCUS in HEMS collaborators. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):124.
- Association of Helicopter vs. Ground Emergency Medical Transportation With 1-Year Mortality in Denmark. Alstrup K, Rognås L, Sollid S, Johnsen SP, Valentin JB, Petersen JAK. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4(1):e2033318.
Articles that have received support, used data, or where the Danish Air Ambulance has otherwise contributed
- The Role of a Physician-Staffed Helicopter in Emergency Care of Patients on Isolated Danish Islands. Herrlin Jensen A, Sonne A, Rasmussen LS. 2021;9(11):1446.
- Search and Rescue Helicopters for Emergency Medical Service Assistance: A Retrospective Study. Christensen RE, Ottosen CI, Sonne A, Noernberg B, Juul AH, Steinmetz J, Rasmussen LS. Air Med J 2021;40(4):269-273.
- Documentation of ethically relevant information in out-of-hospital resuscitation is rare: a Danish nationwide observational study of 16,495 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Binderup LG, Christensen EF, Christensen HC, de Muckadell CS, Lassen M, Mikkelsen S, Milling L, Nielsen DS & The Danish Cardiac Arrest Registry Group. BCM Medical Ethics 2021;22(1):82.
- Mechanical circulatory support for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a Danish nationwide multicenter study. Mørk SR et al. Crit care 2021;25(1):174.
- The development of emergency medical services benefit score: a European Delphi study. Heino A, Raatiniemi L, Iirola T, Meriläinen M, Liisanantti J, Tommila M & Collaboration Group. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):151.
- Diagnostic accuracy of prehospital serum S100B and GFAP in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a prospective observational multicenter cohort study – “the PreTBI I study”. Seidenfaden SC, Kjerulff JL, Juul N, Kirkegaard H, Møller MF, Münster AMB, Bøtker MT. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29(1):75
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Ketamine for the treatment of prehospital acute pain: a systematic review of benefit and harm. Sandberg M, Hyldmo PK, Kongstad P, Dahl Friesgaard K, Raatiniemi L, Larsen R, Magnusson V, Rognås L, Kurola J, Rehn M, Vist GE. BMJ Open 2020;10:e038134.
- Mechanical ventilation of patients in helicopter emergency medical service transport: an international survey. Hilbert-Carius P, Struck MF, Hofer V, Hinkelbein J, Rognås L, Adler J, Christian MD, Wurmb T, Bernhard M, Hossfeld B. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020;28(1):112
- Mortality and quality of care in Nordic physician-staffed emergency medical services. Haugland H, Olkinuora A, Rognås L, Ohlén D, Krüger A. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020;28(1):100
- Pre-hospital care & interfacility transport of 385 COVID-19 emergency patients: an air ambulance perspective. Hilbert-Carius P, Braun J, Abu-Zidan F, Adler J, Knapp J, Dandrifosse D, Braun D, Pietsch U, Adamczuk P, Rognås L, Albrecht R. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020;28(1):94
- Mortality and hospitalisation in the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) population from 2014 to 2018: a national population-based study of HEMS triage. Alstrup K, Petersen JAK, Sollid S, Johnson SP, Rognås L. BMJ Open 2020;10(8):e038718
- Femoral nerve blocks for the treatment of acute pre-hospital pain: A systematic review with metaanalysis. Raatiniemi L, Magnusson V, Hyldmo PK, Friesgaard KD, Kongstad P, Kurola J, Larsen R, Rehn Marius, Rognås L, Sandberg M, Vist GE. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2020;64(8):1038-1047
Publikationer, der har modtaget støtte, anvendt data, eller hvor Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning på anden måde har bidraget
- Progression of vital signs during ambulance transport categorised by a paediatric triage model: a population-based historical cohort study. Nielsen VML, Kløjgård T, Bruun H, Søvsø MB, Christensen EF. BMJ Open 2020;10(11):e042401
- Blood Pressure Thresholds and Neurologic Outcomes After Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Analysis of Individual Patient Data From 3 Randomized Clinical Trials. Rasmussen M, Schönenberg S, Hendèn PL, Valentin JB, Espelund US, Sørensen LH, Juul N, Uhlmann L, Johnson SP, Rentzos A, Bösel J, Simonsen CZ. JAMA Neurol 2020;77(5):622-631
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Characteristics of patients treated by the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Service from 2014-2018: a nationwide population-based study. Alstrup K, Møller TP, Knudsen L, Hansen TM, Petersen JAK, Rognås L, Barfod C. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2019;27(1):102
- Testing quality indicators and proposing benchmarks for physician-staffed emergency medical services: a prospective Nordic multicentre study. Alstrup K, Petersen JAK, Barfod C, Knudsen L, Rognås L, Møller TP. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2019;27(1):38
- The Danish helicopter emergency medical service database: high quality data with great potential. Alstrup K, Petersen JAK, Barfod C, Knudsen L, Rognås L, Møller TP. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2019;27(1):38
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Prehospital treatment of patients with acute intracranial pathology: adherence to guidelines and blood pressure recommendations by the Danish Air Ambulance. Juelsgaard J, Rognås L, Knudsen L, Hansen TM, Rasmussen M. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2018;26(1):68
Publikationer af forfatter med tilknytning til Den Landsdækkende Akutlægehelikopterordning
- Noise exposure during prehospital emergency physicians work on Mobile Emergency Care Units and Helicopter Emergency Medical Services. Hansen MCT, Schmidt JH, Brøchner AC, Johansen JK, Zwisler S, Mikkelsen S. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2017;25(1):119