
Little is known about how the interpersonal actions of the prehospital care provider affect the relatives' psychological outcome following cardiac arrest of a relative. Without this knowledge, there is a risk that relatives will be left with unresolved questions concerning, for example, grief or specific practical tasks after the death of a relative in the home. Presently, it depends on the experience, training, and feelings or emotions of the pre-hospital care provider whether the bereaved relative receives this support when a patient dies suddenly.


To elucidate any unresolved phenomena and themes that bereaved family members are left with after the cardiac arrest of a loved one.


A qualitative study with interviews of the relatives of deceased patients, in whom professional cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been initiated during a pre-hospital cardiac arrest.


The study is conducted in collaboration between pre-hospital researchers, psychiatrists, philosophers and psychologists from the University of Southern Denmark.